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Recalibrate the way we think and approach projects that have an impact on the land, essentially having an impact on our Earth. 

We are a Holacratic Collective that share values and purpose, working on projects together or individually.


The name TerraLupa honours origins at many levels.

"Terra" is Earth or Land in many Latin-based languages, honouring Javi's origins and "Lupa" (pronounced loo-pah) also means Earth or Land in the language of Kara's home country, The Philippines. 


"Restoring Our Nature" is a mission that intuitively feels right. 


It aims to restore us, as human beings, to become more intuitively connected to our living system, and aware of the consequences of our design decisions to other beings we share this world with.


Every project stage has the opportunity to restore and support a vast network of life.


The logo is a Nautilus shell. This is a reminder that although we live on land, that we are systematically linked to water.


The Nautilus is a popular and ancient symbol that honours the perfection of nature, it represents regeneration, delicate balance, and teaches us that there is no waste in natural systems.

Learn more about our Living Map, a way we navigate our work...


partner - architect - lead consultant

regenerative design being+thinking

Britain + The Philippines

"I imagine a world where design professionals are deeply connected to the Earth, and understand the systemic consequences of our human interventions."

photo 02-04-2021, 15 58 32.jpg

Kara de los Reyes is a practising architect and an advocate for ecological regeneration, re-establishing connection within nature, and encouraging good design processes that are sensitive to local ecosystems and communities. She founded TerraLupa to support this approach after leaving nearly 20 years of working in commercial architecture practices.
Her work includes consulting for architecture and engineering practices in Bristol in co-developing leadership, sustainability, and research partnerships between university research bodies and the practice. She also works part-time in higher education, and is currently co-designing a new MSc course for a University in Scotland.
She holds a number of voluntary positions that focus on community, sustainable development, and leadership. For over 5 years, she was a Board Director of Land is Life, an organisation that represents the voice of Indigenous People globally. She also contributes her time and expertise as a Board Trustee for Artspace Lifespace in Bristol, and as Co-CEO for The Association of Collaborative Design.
Kara’s previous experience beyond architecture include being a member of the TEDxBristol Core Team from 2013 to 2019, an Assoc
iate and Senior Lecturer at University of West England, External Examiner at the Welsh School of Architecture, and a visiting lecturer at Leeds Beckett University.



The foundation of her work is in sharing a design practice that promotes positive integration with local ecosystems and community.


partner - engineer - lead consultant

regenerative design being+thinking

Spain + Britain

"I cannot wait for the time the way we design our lives are completely re-integrated into our planetary systems..."


Javier Gras or "Javi" is a Civil Engineer who has worked on large, global enginnering-based projects. He has an MSc in Structures from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, and a second Masters in Structure Design from the Illinois Institute of Technology of Chicago


The focus of his career as an engineer has been in the design and build of Transportation Infrastructure on an international scale, as Structures Design Manager large scale multi-billion Euro projects. During his time with Ferrovial Construction (FC), he proposed innovative changes to the practice, exploring how they can begin to operate in a more regenerative way.


This work led him to collaborate with the Innovation Department of FC and through this work became a Bio-Leadership Fellow in April 2021. He currently works part time for The Bio-Leadership Project, as the Relationships and Impact Lead helping the next generation of organizations become sustainable and regenerative for the planet. He also curates the Bio-Leadership Project impact in the business environment.


Javi is also a facilitator of leadership programs in nature and nature retreats, helping individuals and teams in organizations to re-connect with nature to cultivate new human capacities for resilience, connection, adaptability, systemic awareness and care.



Javi acknowledges the complicity of the construction industry in the destruction of our plantery life systems and is determined to work on reversing the negative effects of our professions.



someone passionate about shifting the culture of the built environment

We are on the lookout for a few others to join us in our holacratic collective...


Why a "holacratic collective", and what is it? We are inspired by friends at Earthly Collective and others who have either started collectives, or are in the process of starting one. 


The "new ways" of working have allowed us to connect globally and work in an agile way. 


We feel that through a holocratic structure, each partner or collaborator can bring their own creativity, leadership, and skills that help the collective become more resilient and adaptable. It is a non-hierarchial and democratic way of working together. While we agree certain principles and values under Terralupa, we can work together on some projects, while still managing our own individual work. 


Through working in a collective, we co-create opportunities to bring our skills together so that the projects that emerge have much more value than if done alone.


Our only other prerequisite is that you are self-employed or a freelancer. You can be located anywhere on our lovely Earth - we can work in multiple timezones.

Get in touch if you are interested! We'd love to hear from you.

Watch the Bio-leadership Fellowship Interview here of Kara and Javier during Bio-leadership's takeover of the Imaginarium tent at Shambala Festival in August 2022.

The dream is to co-create healthy, balanced spaces and places: consulting for projects, practices, and individuals to set long-term goals that restore native habitats, soil, and marine ecosystems while supporting local communities.

Kara and Javier in an interview

inspired by...

Which image calls out to you?

Click to find out where it will lead you....



Designing for Resilience

"...draws on innovative and greatly needed understanding of regenerative, indigenous and importantly sensitive approach to a community's need in all sorts of cultural and social contexts."

Dr. Sonja Oliveira PhD

Associate Professor in Architecture and Design Innovation, UWE Bristol and founding member of Radical Architecture Practice for Sustainability, RAPS

Leadership & Facilitation

"...Kara's inquisitive approach naturally leads to the best solutions. The approach to design thinking energises processes and her project management capabilities are a really powerful combination. She is a really positive unifying force within Artspace Lifespace."

Kathryn Chiswell - Jones

Company Manager at Artspace Lifespace. Director of Illuminarium

Regenerative Design

"...bringing Earth-centred design thinking into the mainstream is brilliant, and is much needed as a counter balance to design that is only function-centered or people-centered."

Martin Brown

Author FutuREstorative

Vice President Living Future Europe, Vice Chair COSTRestore, ILFI Hero 2018. Founder Fairsnape and #ZoomRegenerative 2020

Contribution to Education

"...her advice to students on matters concerning regenerative, resilient and biophilic design strategies proved to be invaluable, guiding students towards the right solution for their projects..."

Anna Pepe

Senior Lecturer in Architecture, Leeds Beckett University, Photographer & Designer 

Gratitude Circle

This is a dynamic space that will expand, and is written with a sense of reciprocity...

Deepest gratitude for Jamie Pike for feeding Kara literally, lovingly, and creatively!

Thank you Earthly @earthly_collective, especially @sophie__chatz for your guidance and encouragement. 

To Glowacky for bringing Bucky Fuller and Thomas Berry back to life, reinforcing this trajectory.

Thank you Phil for being a really great support and mind-opener.

Thank you AWW colleagues James and Mark, and my sis-in-law Viv @brunchwithviv for the constructive feedback that is much appreciated.

Thank you all collegues, team, and fellow Trustees at Artspace Lifespace and Land is Life for being great support, inspiration, and sharing a sense of purpose.  

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